Six Steps Advanced Integrative Medicine Treatment


An Integrative Approach to Chronic Diseases and Cancer Treatment

Advanced Medical Centre‘s clinics in Pretoria East and Dainfern are conventional medical practices as well as integrative medical practices, offering orthodox (biomedicine) and complementary-alternative medicine (CAM) treatment and, Advanced and Orthomolecular Medicine, such as are practiced in the best integrative medicine clinics worldwide, including more than 20 of the top medical universities internationally.

While Integrative Medicine is not yet recognized by conservative doctors in South Africa, many patients are turning to alternative methods of healing while still applying allopathic (conventional) medicine to treat disease.

It is advanced medicine, the medicine of the future and the new medicine of humanity.

AMC - Disease prevention, management - Ozone Therapy, FAR Infrared Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Weight Loss, Anti-Aging